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Psychology: Research and Review

Table 1 Intervention description and replication (TIDieR) checklist

From: Adaptation and feasibility assessment of a dating violence prevention program for girls in foster care



1. Brief name

Dating violence prevention program for girls in foster care

2. Why

Intervention programs can help prevent violent episodes in intimate relationships among adolescents and, in the long term, prevent violence in intimate relationships in adulthood. There is a gap in Brazilian dating violence prevention programs targeting populations at higher risk of victimization, such as girls with a history of domestic and family violence in foster care.

3. What (materials)

The adaptation to a selective intervention was based on the multicomponent program originally developed by Murta et al. (2015), which is grounded in Bandura’s social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1977). The materials, such as games and prompts, used in this adapted program can be requested from the lead author.

4. What (procedures)

The detailed activities and procedures can be found in Additional file 1

5. Who provided

The focus groups and the nine intervention sessions were conducted by a psychologist specialized in cognitive-behavioral therapy and with a master’s degree in clinical psychology. Three psychology students acted as assistants. The students received prior training for their roles. The team received weekly supervision from two research professors who guided this study. One of them is the author of the original intervention.

6. How

The program was conducted in nine in-person group meetings.

7. Where

The space provided by the hosting institution was used, and it already included tables and chairs.

8. When and how much

The implementation of the selective program consisted in nine weekly sessions, each lasting 1 h and 30 min. The program happened in 2022.

9. Tailoring

Can be identified in Table 3

10. Modifications

The intervention was altered. Each session had 10 additional minutes, and a new theme, “testimony of violence in romantic relationships among family members and partners,” was included. Games and strategies to encourage discussions were adapted for the current context (e.g., the use of music and the creation of cards used to identify violent situations). All alterations can be found in Table 3.

11. How well (planned)

Adherence or fidelity to the original intervention was not assessed. However, supervisions, notes, and team trainings were conducted to promote fidelity of implementation.

12: How well (actual)

Adherence or fidelity to the original intervention was not assessed.