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Psychology: Research and Review

Fig. 3 | Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica

Fig. 3

From: Auditory perceptual discomfort and low-hearing tolerance in the first episode psychosis

Fig. 3

Observed SDL for FEP (red-square) and HC (blue-circle). Note that in three conditions (SINE, 4s, 50–8000 Hz, ASC, & DESC; and SINE, 8s, 50–8000 Hz, ASC), the 95% confidence intervals do not overlap, implying most likely significant differences between groups (despite the small sample sizes). Also, every observed value for FEP is above the intervals 3–4 and apparently always higher than HC. But, due to the small sample size per group, we performed beta regressions to test differences (refer to Table 2).

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