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Psychology: Research and Review

Table 1 Sample characteristics

From: Auditory perceptual discomfort and low-hearing tolerance in the first episode psychosis





14 men

16 men

Mean age (SD)

27.86 (10.02) years

25.57 (8.38) years

pvalue (Mann-WhitneyUtest)

p = 0.490

Mean education (SD)

11.71 (2.52)

10.39 (3.12)

pvalue (Mann-WhitneyUtest)

p = 0.232

  1. Note. SD standard deviation. Years of education were counted as follows: fundamental incomplete = 4,5, fundamental = 9, high school incomplete = 10,5, high school = 12, university degree incomplete = 14, and university degree = 17. There were no significant differences between the samples