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Psychology: Research and Review

Table 8 Final structure the items of the meaning of work scale by Morin and their theoretical dimensions

From: What factors contribute to the meaning of work? A validation of Morin’s Meaning of Work Questionnaire

Final structure of the scale

Items from the questionnaire with the original item numbers

Work characteristics that have meaning:



Success and recognition at work and from work

11. Allows you to have influence over your environment

Success at work

Recognition of work

17. Your competence is recognized

18. Workload is adjusted to your capacities

19. Your results are recognized

20. Allows you to learn or to improve

24. Enables you to achieve the goals that you set for yourself

25. Is useful to others

29. You can count on the support of your superior

30. Leads to results that you value

Usefulness of work

9. Is useful to society

Usefulness of work

Personal power at work

Spirit of service

Social contribution

10. Allows you to have interesting contact with others

21. Serves some purpose

22. Gives you the opportunity to serve others

26. You can count on the help of your colleagues when you have problems

27. You are responsible

28. Enables you to feel fulfilled

Respect dimension of work

4. Is done in an environment in which people are respected


Rectitude of practices

5. Human values are followed

6. Enables you to consider the future with confidence

7. Is done efficiently

Value from and through work

1. Corresponds to your interests and your skills

Autonomy at work


2. Allows you to learn or to improve

3. Enables you to use your judgment to solve problems

8. Allows you to take initiatives to improve your results


12. Respects your private life

Personal power at work



13. You are free to organize things in whatever way you think best

14. You enjoy doing it

15. Done in a team spirit

16. Is done in a healthy and safe environment

23. Gives you wages that provide for your needs

  1. 1 = Previous dimensions of Morin et al. (2001) and Morin (2003). 2 = Morin and Cherré (1999)