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Psychology: Research and Review

Table 1 Needs assessment in the GIPSI program

From: Applying intervention mapping approach to a program for early intervention in first-episode mental crisis of a psychotic type

Observation script and interview

1. How long have you been in the program?

2. How would you describe GIPSI organizational structure?

3. Which are the reasons why GIPSI was created?

4. How do you describe, according to this program, psychological distress?

5. What changes in the assistance for people in mental health crisis in the context of GIPSI?

6. What would you change for the people treated within GIPSI?

7. What does the GIPSI treatment consists of?

8. What is the description of aspects in the early intervention model adopted by GIPSI?

9. Who is part of the planning actions in the program?

10. Are community members, patients, or family members involved in this planning?

11. What are the theoretical approaches in psychology used by the service team?

12. What are the possible difficulties and challenges to develop the program?

13. How would you describe the strategies to evaluate the program?