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Psychology: Research and Review

Table 4 Distribution URS (final Portuguese version) with original formulations of items, in English—CFA1 (sample 2)

From: Factorial validity and measurement invariance of the uncertainty response scale



Standardized regression weights

Emotional uncertainty

4 - Sudden changes make me feel upset.


5 - When making a decision, I am deterred by the fear of making a mistake.


8 - When the future is uncertain, I generally expect the worst to happen.


9 - Facing uncertainty is a nerve-wracking experience.


10 - I get worried when a situation is uncertain.


11 - Thinking about uncertainty makes me feel depressed.


13 - Uncertainty frightens me.


31 - When I can't clearly discern situations, I get apprehensive.


35 - When uncertain about what to do next, I tend to feel lost.


36 - I feel anxious when things are changing.


41 - When a situation is unclear, it makes me feel angry.


Cognitive uncertainty

3 - I feel better about myself when I know that I have done all I can to accurately plan my future


7 - I like to have things under control.


27 - I like to know exactly what I'm going to do next.


39 - I try to have my life and career clearly mapped out.


43- I like things to be ordered and in place, both at work and at home.


47 - I like to plan ahead in detail rather than leaving things to chance.


Desire for change

12 - I find the prospect of change exciting and stimulating.


23 - I feel curious about new experiences.


24- I like to think of a new experience in terms of a challenge.


25 - A new experience is an occasion to learn something new.


34 - New experiences can be useful.


37 - New experiences excite me.


38 - I think variety is the spice of life.


45- I easily adapt to novelty.
