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Psychology: Research and Review

Table 4 IGFP-5R: reliability coefficients (Guttman’s λ2), factor loadings (FL), communalities (h2), item-rest correlations (rir), and correlations between factors (N = 554)

From: Validity evidence of two short scales measuring the Big Five personality factors

Factor 1—Extraversion (λ2 = .65)


h 2

r ir

 Item 12. É reservado (Is reserved)




 Item 16. É, às vezes, tímido, inibido (Sometimes is timid, inhibited)




 Item 42. Tende a ser quieto, calado (Tend to be quiet, silent)




 Mean (mean correlation between the items = .37)




Factor 2—Conscientiousness (λ2 = .68)


h 2

r ir

 Item 17. Pode ser um tanto descuidado (Can be somewhat careless)




 Item 19. Tende a ser preguiçoso (Tend to be lazy)




 Item 22. É facilmente distraído (Is easily distracted)




 Item 38. Tende a ser desorganizado (Tend to be disorganized)




 Mean (mean correlation between the items = .37)




Factor 3—Agreeableness (λ2 = .66)


h 2

r ir

 Item 8. Gosta de cooperar com os outros (Enjoys to cooperate with others)




 Item 15. É prestativo e ajuda os outros (Is cordial and helps others)




 Item 18. É amável, tem consideração pelos outros (Is agreeable, cares about the others)




 Mean (mean correlation between the items = .43)




Factor 4—Neuroticism (λ2 = .72)


h 2

r ir

 Item 10. É temperamental, muda de humor facilmente (Is temperamental, changes mood easily)




 Item 34. Fica tenso com frequência (Get tense often)




 Item 36. Fica nervoso facilmente (Get nervous easily)




 Mean (mean correlation between the items = .46)




Factor 5—Openness to Experience (λ2 = .67)


h 2

r ir

 Item 9. É original, tem sempre novas ideias (Is original, always has new ideas)




 Item 11. É inventivo, criativo (Is inventing, creative)




 Item 39. Gosta de refletir, brincar com as ideias (Enjoys thinking, playing with ideas)




 Mean (mean correlation between the items = .43)




Correlations between the factors*: F1–F2 = .11 (.25); F1–F3 = .01 (.03**); F1–F4 = .08 (.18); F1–F5 = .05 (.11**); F2–F3 = .12 (.26); F2–F4 = −.22 (−.44); F2–F5 = .04 (.19); F3–F4 = −.11 (−.23); F3–F5 = .15 (.33); F4–F5 = .06 (−.12**)

  1. *The coefficients corrected for attenuation are between parentheses. **Non-significant correlations, p < .05