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Psychology: Research and Review

Table 6 Means and standard deviation for husbands and wives who completed the pre-test, post-test, and follow-up

From: Couple relationship education program “Living as Partners”: evaluation of effects on marital quality and conflict





M (SD)

M (SD)

M (SD)

Marital quality1

Husbands (n = 33)

31.03 (8.9)

27.88 (7.33)

28.94 (10.23)

Wives (n = 33)

29.88 (12.28)

29.15 (10.987)

29.00 (11.51)

Conflict frequency

Husbands (n = 33)

2.13 (0.57)

1.97 (0.57)

2.00 (0.68)

Wives (n = 33)

2.24 (0.63)

1.92 (0.55)

1.92 (0.69)

Conflict resolution

 Positive resolution

Husbands (n = 33)

3.27 (0.66)

3.68 (0.67)

3.63 (0.76)

Wives (n = 33)

3.40 (0.67)

3.73 (0.53)

3.65 (0.61)

 Conflict engagement

Husbands (n = 33)

2.31 (0.72)

1.76 (0.60)

1.93 (0.60)

Wives (n = 33)

2.52 (0.74)

1.68 (0.54)

1.95 (0.71)


Husbands (n = 33)

2.92 (0.75)

2.15 (0.73)

2.50 (0.85)

Wives (n = 33)

2.74 (0.81)

2.08 (0.71)

2.33 (0.72)


Husbands (n = 33)

2.30 (0.78)

2.08 (0.76)

2.17 (0.82)

Wives (n = 33)

2.39 (0.66)

2.00 (0.70)

2.15 (0.64)

  1. 1Lower scores represent better marital quality indices