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Psychology: Research and Review

Table 3 Example of program scope and sequence from the Long Live Love sex education program for adolescents (Schaalma et al., 1996)

From: Planning theory- and evidence-based behavior change interventions: a conceptual review of the intervention mapping protocol

Lessons and Goals

Practical Applications

Lesson 1: To Increase knowledge and to change risk perceptions

Inquiry teaching

Classroom discussion

Exercises to apply the information that is provided (e.g., making an information brochure, completing a quiz, interviewing peers)

Teachers lecture and experts give information in print

Lesson 2: To change attitudes about condom use and safer sex in general

Classroom discussion on the basis of a homework assignment addressing facts about AIDS and sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention

Role-model stories in print material covering attitudes about safe sex and problems with practicing safe sex

Classroom discussion on the basis of statements about practicing safe sex (students respond to statements orally or in writing)

“Paper-and-pencil”-subgroup discussion

Lesson 3: To strengthen values, social influences, and communication skills regarding the prevention of AIDS and STIs

Homework assignment requires students to respond to situations addressing social pressures (“What would you do when ....”)

Classroom discussion subsequent to homework

Teacher-delivered information about the process of social influence (didactic approach or inquiry teaching)

Peer models discussing safe sex and telling about their attitudes, values, and experiences by means of dramatized videotape and subsequent classroom discussion about videotape modeling

Lesson 4: To enhance students’ self-efficacy regarding negotiating and condom use skills

Homework assignment on buying condoms

Subsequent classroom discussion about buying experiences

Demonstration and practice of condom use on fingers

Video-animation of adequate condom use

Interactive videotape showing peer models negotiating real-life troublesome situations and subsequent classroom discussion