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Psychology: Research and Review

Table 4 Presence or absence of specific depressive symptoms on the GDS among the different frailty profiles (n = 2399). FIBRA Unicamp, Elderly, 2008–2009

From: Frailty and depressive symptoms in older adults: data from the FIBRA study - UNICAMP






1 – Satisfied with life



137 (6.2)

30 (14.6)

1089 (49.7)

114 (55.6)

968 (44.1)

61 (29.8)


2 – Dropped activities/interests



102 (10.7)

65 (4.5)

508 (53.0)

695 (48.2)

348 (36.3)

681 (47.3)


3 – Feel life is empty



87 (11.9)

80 (4.8)

390 (53.3)

813 (48.8)

255 (34.8)

774 (46.4)


4- Often get bored



80 (9.5)

87 (5.6)

461 (54.7)

742 (47.7)

302 (35.8)

727 (46.7)


5 – Feel in good spirits



127 (6.1)

40 (12.7)

1037 (49.8)

166 (52.5)

919 (44.1)

110 (34.8)


6- Afraid something bad is going to happen



81 (8.6)

86 (5.9)

498 (53.2)

705 (48.2)

358 (38.2)

671 (45.9)


7 – Feel happy



136 (6.3)

31 (13.3)

1060 (48.9)

143 (61.4)

970 (44.8)

59 (25.3)


8 – Feel helpless



45 (10.0)

122 (6.3)

254 (56.7)

949 (48.6)

149 (33.3)

880 (45.1)


9 – Prefer to stay at home rather than going out



109 (7.7)

58 (5.9)

751 (53.1)

452 (45.9)

555 (39.2)

474 (48.2)


10- Feel that have more memory problems



67 (11.8)

100 (5.5)

295 (51.9)

908 (49.6)

206 (36.3)

823 (44.9)


11- Think it is wonderful to be alive



154 (6.6)

13 (21.3)

1171 (50.1)

32 (52.5)

1013 (43.3)

16 (26.2)


12- Feel worthless now



48 (12.8)

119 (5.9)

214 (56.9)

989 (48.9)

114 (30.3)

915 (45.2)


13 – Feel full of energy



106 (5.4)

61 (14.1)

954 (48.5)

249 (57.5)

906 (46.1)

123 (28.4)


14- Feel situation is hopeless



40 (11.6)

127 (6.2)

204 (59.1)

999 (48.6)

101 (29.3)

928 (45.2)


15 – Think people are better off than you



64 (11.1)

103 (5.6)

325 (56.4)

878 (48.2)

187 (32.5)

842 (46.2)
