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Psychology: Research and Review

Table 2 BADyG-E2r scales

From: Early detection of learning difficulties using the BADyG-E2r Battery during primary education



Verbal Reasoning

Ability to understand and express ideas with words. Verbal contents and concepts are used, and recognition of analogy relationships between pairs s asked.

Numerical Reasoning

Problems with change, combination/comparison, and equalization

Spatial Reasoning

Ability to imagine and conceive objects in two or three dimensions

Two types of stimuli: firstly with more concrete and perceptible relationships, secondly induction of more abstract relationships between the figures

Logical Reasoning

Ability to solve logical problems, to understand, and to plan

Verbal Syllogisms

Ability to use language (complete meanings or “cloze” test)

Numerical Syllogisms

Ability to manage numbers and quantitative concepts (addition and subtraction)

Spatial Syllogisms

Several mental operations to be performed: shape rotations, comparison of sizes, direction, position, and form


Ability to quickly discriminate visual differences