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Psychology: Research and Review

Table 3 Hierarchical linear regression with direct scores of PPVT and sex (step 1) and CFC-I and limit setting difficulties (step 2) as predictors of EF, delay reward, and Tower of Hanoi scores

From: The development of episodic foresight in preschoolers: the role of socioeconomic status, parental future orientation, and family context





b (SE)

β entry

β final

b (SE)

β entry

β final

b (SE)

β entry

β final

Step 1


.08 (.01)



.08 (.02)



.04 (.01)



 Sex (girl = 1)

.24 (.49)



2.74 (.81)



.69 (.38)



Step 2

 Moher Ed

.44 (.17)



.46 (.27)



.23 (.13)




− .07 (.21)

− 0.04


− .14 (.33)



− .14 (.16)

− .11



− .07 (.35)

− 0.02


− .55 (.55)

− .11


− .35 (.27)

− .15



R2 = .44

R2 = .36

R2 = .32

  1. EF episodic foresight, DR delay reward, ToH Tower of Hanoi, PPVT Peabody Picture Verbal test-direct score, Mother Ed maternal education, CFC-I consideration of future consequences-immediate, EG-L Etxadi-Gangoiti scale-limit setting subscale
  2. *p < .05
  3. **p < .01
  4. ***p < .001