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Psychology: Research and Review

Table 3 Session themes, learning objectives, and activities of Programa Vem Ser

From: Multicomponent positive psychology intervention for health promotion of Brazilian retirees: a quasi-experimental study


Content of session: learning objectives and activities

Session 1: values and self-care/prudence

Rapport building; introduction of the program, moderator, observers and participants; guidelines/norms; opening icebreaking sentence and group debates; psycho-education: values and self-care; group dynamic: panel of values; individual dynamic: health Curtogram form; relaxation training; action plan: Health Protocol

Session 2: optimism

Revision of action plan; opening icebreaking sentence and group debates; psycho-education: optimism; group dynamic1:priming technique; video-debate 1: attributional styles; video-debate 2: problem-solving strategies; individual dynamic: best possible self–positive affirmations; relaxation training; action plan: positive affirmations

Session 3: empathy

Revision of action plan; opening icebreaking sentence and group debates; psycho-education: Empathy; video-debate1:Empathy and Sympathy; group dynamic1:building the Empathy Tree; group dynamic 2:the speech object (self-regulation training); relaxation training; action plan: to be in someone’s shoes

Session 4: gratitude

Revision of action plan; opening icebreaking sentence and group debates; psycho-education: gratitude; video-debate: the ripple; individual dynamic: CV of personal accomplishments; group dynamic: list of creditors; relaxation training; action plan: the gratitude diary

Session 5: forgiveness

Revision of action plan; opening icebreaking sentence and group debates; psycho-education: forgiveness; group dynamic: the surprise balloon (learning from mistakes); individual dynamic: forgiveness letter; relaxation training; action plan: expressive writing

Session 6: meaning of live and work

Revision of action plan; opening icebreaking sentence and group debates; psycho-education: meaning; group dynamic 1: identify strengths; group dynamic 2: identify what is meaningful in life; revision of topics worked along the program; T2 assessment