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Psychology: Research and Review

Table 1 Intervention description and replication (TIDieR) checklist

From: Problematic and adaptive eating in people with obesity after a DBT-based skills training intervention: 3- and 8-month follow-up and mediation analysis

Item number


Brief name


Dialectical behavior therapy-based skills training group intervention for Brazilian individuals with obesity.



The rationale of DBT is that problematic behaviors are attempts to regulate intense emotional states and that these behaviors are harmful in the long term. The skills training aims to teach new behavioral skills that can replace dysfunctional behaviors. The main goal of the present intervention was to teach emotion regulation skills and thus help individuals manage their problematic eating behaviors and increase adaptive eating behaviors.



The trainers utilized standardized audiovisual material to conduct the intervention and a structured theme agenda, both of which were developed to increase professional adherence to the protocol, regardless of the group.

In each session, participants received printed material to follow during the skills class and printed material that served as homework. The printed materials utilized in the intervention by the leaders to conduct the sessions and given to the participants are both available in the online appendix.


Group sessions began with mindfulness practice (10 min) and then moved to a homework review from the previous session (30 min), continued with a brief break (5 min), and ended with teaching new material (1 h and 15 min) according to the standard DBT group format.

Who provided


Two psychologists lead the intervention, one who attended a 10-day intensive DBT workshop conducted by a certified senior DBT trainer (author 2), and one who received a 200-h DBT training conducted by two experienced DBT trainers (author 1). The researchers trained three groups each, and for each group, a different co-leader was chosen from the consultation team. The co-leaders were trained by the researchers, participated in a reading group 6 months prior to the intervention, and went through the intervention themselves (conducted by the researchers).



Face-to-face adapted DBT skills training was conducted by two trainers in groups, and each group included a maximum of nine participants.



The participants were recruited at the university, and the sessions were carried out in the same location. The infrastructure included a classroom, chairs, a projector, a computer (for slides presentation), and air conditioning.

When and how much


The intervention was composed of 2-h sessions conducted twice a week. The sessions were scheduled according to participants’ preferences (in the morning, in the afternoon, or at night). Once a participant chose a group, he or she could not change to another time or group. In total, six groups received the intervention. Two groups were trained in the morning, from 10 am to 12 am; two groups were trained in the afternoon, from 15 pm to 17 pm; and two groups were trained at night from 19 pm to 21 pm



The intervention was adapted to Brazilian Portuguese and to the population with obesity.



The intervention was not modified during the study.

How well


A consultation team was formed to increase adherence to the model. Intervention fidelity was discussed weekly in the consultation team meetings. The consultation team was formed by seven professionals who participated as leaders or co-leaders of the intervention. The weekly consultation meeting aimed to coach team members who fell outside of the DBT model used for the intervention reduce burnout by offering support and validation to the trainers, and provide feedback on the conducting of the intervention.


The intervention was generally delivered as planned. However, some leaders had difficulties regarding time management. In addition, participants tended to provide life examples unrelated to eating contexts, so trainers had to provide additional examples to explain the use of skills related to eating behaviors.