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Psychology: Research and Review

Table 1 DMQ (Decision-Making Questionnaire) scales and subscales

From: Relations between mental workload and decision-making in an organizational setting

Task factor/scale:

Tendency to assess all the aspects related to the scope of the decision task, mainly levels of certainty, information, goals, and consequences of the decision.

 • Uncertainty subscale: measures the degree to which individuals consider their concerns about doubt, risk, and the changes caused by the decision

 • Time/Money Pressure subscale: determines how individuals organize their activities and their predisposition to compare the results of the decision with the time and money spent

 • Information and Goals subscale: shows the degree to which individuals attach importance to having adequate data available and defining specific goals to appraise task difficulty

 • Consequences of Decision subscale: assesses the degree to which subjects assign personal responsibility for the effects of the decision

Subject factor/scale:

Tendency to engage in the process of decision in a motivated, thoughtful, and sincere way, self-regulating the process.

 • Motivation subscale: measures the degree to which individuals launch the decision-making process and maintain interest during the development of its successive phases

 • Self-Regulation subscale: shows the degree to which subjects tend to plan, monitor, and evaluate results

 • Cognition subscale: measures the degree to which individuals tend to process information, reason about the steps to be taken, and resolve the difficulties that may emerge during the decision-making process.

 • Emotion subscale: shows the degree to which individuals create an appropriate mood in order to make the decision

Context factor/scale:

Tendency to discover the influence of the social, community, and occupational environment in the decision process.

 • Social Pressure subscale: shows consideration of the impact on the environment or on other persons when making a decision

 • Work Pressure subscale: measures the degree to which an individual takes organizational rules and goals into account when making decisions